Location of Ski-in Ski-out Townhomes
The location of ski-in ski-out townhome developments in Whistler are best explained on the Google Map below. Then cross reference the map with the corresponding list. Each development is linked to a page full of great information and videos.
Location Key
New Locations for Townhomes
There are no additional ski-in ski-out developments planned, as Whistler is built to capacity for its current infrastructure. With a strong NIMBY component in Whistler, new development outside of the municipal’s Official Community Plan is not a reality. This lack of growth has resulted in low supply and high demand.
The Active Ski-in Ski-out Listings page on this site will keep you posted on what is available for sale.
Comparison of Ski-in/Ski-out Townhomes
Comparison of ski-in ski-out townhome developments, the year built, the number of beds and size of townhomes.Complex | Built | # of strata lots | # of beds: size sq. ft. |
Arrowhead Point | 1992 | 22 | 2 beds: 900 - 1001 3 beds: 1151 - 1216 |
Mountain Star | 1998 | 28 | 2 beds: 1209 - 1215 2.5 beds: 1196 - 1415 3 beds: 1286 - 1415 3.5 beds: 1350 - 1384 |
Painted Cliff | 1993 | 52 | 1 bed: 585 - 681 1.5 beds: 640 - 839 2 beds: 905 - 985 3 beds: 1208 - 1350 3.5 beds: 1322 |
Snowridge Circle | 1988 | 56 | 2 beds: 925 - 1248 2.5 beds: 1164 - 1852 3 beds: 1135 - 1640 4 beds: 1800 - 2651 |
Stone Ridge | 1988 | 32 | 1.5 beds: 748 - 804 3 beds: 1400 - 1500 3.5 beds: 1447 - 1450 |
Ban on Foreign Ownership of Canadian Housing
Good news for non-residents of Canada. Whistler is exempt from the Federal Government’s ban on foreign investment in Canadian real estate. This means that Whistler is still open for business. Contact Marion Anderson today to start the process of finding the right Whistler property for you and your family.
Buying real estate in Whistler, whether ski-in/ski-out or not, is a smooth process when working with an experienced Whistler real estate agent who follows the rules. Everything in real estate, except for writing the contract and the negotiation is a process. Experienced realtor, and skilled negotiator, Marion Anderson will work with you directly from start to finish. No assistants are involved.
If you think I would be a good fit to work with you and your family, and you are not already working with a Whistler realtor, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
It’s a Good Life in Whistler!
Marion Anderson Personal Real Estate Corporation
Sutton Group-West Coast Realty, Whistler
marion@marionanderson.com (604) 938-3885