February 2025


February 2025 Whistler Market Update

Whistler real estate market update February 2025. From personal experience, I spoke with more buyers in January than I did at the end of the last quarter. The majority were non-residents calling from the USA. The rate of exchange is a 45% discount to our American friends.

  • Sales: In January there were 34 sales.
  • Inventory: There were 255 listings available for sale, nearly 8 months of inventory on the books.
  • New Listings: New listings soared in January by 65% over the previous month to 79 new listings.
  • Market Type: We continue to be in a balanced market. Meaning, there’s no immediate power for the buyer or the seller, that happens in the negotiation.
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4 Types of Investment


Four Types of Investment Real Estate

4 types of investment property therefore 4 types of tax considerations for non-residents and residents purchasing real estate in Whistler: 1) rented nightly, 2) business income, 3) rented monthly, and 4) never rented.

Next, determine the intent of your purchase, How do you intend to use the property? How often will you use it? Do you need the property to earn revenue and if so how much? Is it an asset class you’ll purchase and never use?

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Non-Resident: Buyers Welcome


Can Non-Residents Buy Real Estate In Whistler?

Can non-residents buy real estate in Whistler?

YES!! There’s no foreign buyer ban in Whistler, British Columbia. Non-residents are welcome to buy Whistler real estate. The Government of Canada announced that the foreign buyer ban would extend to January 2027, and after that who knows! I’m Marion Anderson and I help people buy real estate and Whistler.

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Non-Resident: LLC Purchase


Non-Residents and Buying Property in an LLC

Can I put the property purchase in an LLC? No. The LLC arrangement for business ownership is not offered in Canada. In Canada a holding company, or Holdco is a firm that exercises control over any asset class. A Holdco earns money by collecting dividends. For Canadian mortgages in a company name the company has to be registered in British Columbia. This is a holding company and everyone who is a shareholder personally guarantees the mortgage.

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Non-Resident: Underused Housing Tax (UHT)


UHT and Non-Residents Buying Whistler Real Estate

The Underused Housing Tax Act is the Government of Canada’s way to find out who owns property in Canada, and track usage. For non-residents the UHT applies to all types of ownership. Therefore, each non-resident owner must file an annual UHT return. The UHT ACT requires a non-resident owner who has their property title in their personal name to use the property for 28 days, and if that happens there’s no UHT on the property. The UHT is 1% of the value of the property.

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