Non-Resident: Mortgage

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Financing a Mortgage as a Non-Resident

For a non-resident Buyer, it is a big decision to either finance the purchase of a Whistler property through a bank in their home country, pay cash, or get a Canadian mortgage. These must be informed decisions. The top five Canadian banks are collectively referred to as the “Big Five” due to their dominant position and significant influence within the country’s banking and financial industry. They are, in no particular order:

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Non-Resident: LLC Purchase

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Can American Buyers Open an LLC in Canada?

The LLC arrangement for business ownership is not offered in Canada. A Canadian business can not be located in Canada (on paper) and run as an LLC. This is why many Canadian companies operate as LLPs (Limited Liability Partnership) instead of LLCs. This would be a topic for a British Columbia lawyer, not a Whistler realtor. An American Buyer may want to put their property in an LLC because they want to keep the property at arm’s length from litigation. In the United States, a limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure that offers limited liability protection and pass-through taxation. As with corporations, the LLC legally exists as a separate entity from its owners.

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BC Home Flipping Tax

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BC Home Flipping Tax Affects Non-Residents and Residents

As previously announced in British Columbia’s Homes for People plan, the intention of the tax is to discourage short-term holding of property for profit. The BC Home Flipping tax is subject to legislative approval. Meaning, that all the details have not yet been finalized by the BC Government, so many questions about this tax have no answers.

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Non-Resident: Tax on Capital Gain

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Non-Resident Tax on the Disposition of Property

When a non-resident decides to sell their property, it is important to consider the tax implications. This post provides an overview of the complex process, it is a simplified version. If you are selling your property, it is recommended you read the full version on the Non-Resident: Selling page. Note: this blog was written by a realtor, not a tax accountant. The purpose of this post is to give you a sense of what you will need to know when you decide to sell your property. It is always recommended to speak with your Canadian accountant.

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What is FINTRAC?

The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) is Canada’s financial intelligence unit. Most countries have their own version of FINTRAC. Their mandate is to prevent and deter money laundering and terrorist financing. To meet this objective, all real estate agents are legally bound to verify the identity of their clients and unrepresented parties in a real estate transaction. It is expected that this verification occur at the start of their relationship. No one buying or selling real estate is exempt from FINTRAC. Every real estate agent has a legal obligation to complete the FINTRAC forms and ask their clients questions as to the source of the funds.

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Non-Resident: Buyers Welcome

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Buying Real Estate as a Non-resident

There is no Foreign Buyer Ban in Whistler. Everyone is still able to buy real estate in Whistler. The Government of Canada announced that this ban would be extended to 2027. Therefore, unlike many other Canadian locations, Whistler welcomes foreign buyers. Therefore, this post is for non-residents of Canada who are considering buying real estate in Whistler. Due to the complexities of buying property best to review the Non-resident: Buying page on this site for the full details. It covers the basics of financing and the transfer of funds once you have found a property.

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Underused Housing Tax (UHT)

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Underused Housing Tax (UHT) Is Unclear For Whistler

Whistler Accountants interpreted The Government of Canada’s (GOC) Underused Housing Tax Act (UHT) and noted that clarity was required regarding rental and business income properties. This tax pertains to some residents and all non-residents of Canada. For residents, it comes down to who is on the title for the property. See the link above for all the restrictions. Note: the author of this blog is a realtor, not an accountant. It is important to read the UHT government page and talk with your accountant.

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Non-resident: Re-financing

Re-financing is not an option for Non-residents

When a non-resident decides to buy a property in Whistler, it is important to make a decision about financing when writing the offer. If a non-resident Buyer says that it would be simpler to pay cash for the property and then refinance, that is not an option with Canadian Banks.

The reason is that the Canadian bank does not know the source of the original funds used to buy the property. Despite, you the Buyer, offering the Bank every document on the purchase of the property, no Canadian Bank can refinance your property. To do so would be in contravention of FINTRAC.

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Provincial Sales Tax (PST) on Furniture

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Is there Tax on Furniture Included in the Sale?

When buying a property in Whistler and furniture is included, Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is applicable on the value of the furniture. I have this on the authority of a Race and Company lawyer. This 7% PST is charged on used furniture and has to be accounted for. This tax will be of most concern to the buyer who is financing the purchase as the mortgage company will not finance furniture. However, like everything else in financing…it depends.

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Property Transfer Tax (PTT)

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What is Property Transfer Tax?

Property Transfer Tax (PTT) is the Government of British Columbia’s tax on the purchase of real estate. The tax is charged at the time of closing and the transfer of title from the seller to the buyer. Financial institutions will not include PTT as part of your mortgage.

You are charged property transfer tax when you make changes to a property’s title, including but not limited to:

  1. acquiring a registered interest in the property
  2. gaining an additional registered interest in the property
  3. becoming the registered holder of a lease, life estate, or right to purchase for the property

The property transfer tax rate is:

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