#1 Risk when buying nightly rental property?

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Getting the business license! This license application takes place once you own the property. The municipality will send an inspector to check the property against the original building plans, and any renovation plans they have on file. If there’s anything that differs between those plans and your property that’s when the headache begins.

When there’s a delay in getting your business license it means that no revenue is being earned.

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What are the 4 types of investment real estate?

Home » Nightly Rental Real Estate

4 types of investment property, therefore 4 types of tax considerations for non-residents and residents purchasing real estate in Whistler: 1) rented nightly, 2) business income, 3) rented monthly, and 4) never rented.

Next, determine the intent of your purchase, How do you intend to use the property? How often will you use it? Do you need the property to earn revenue and if so how much? Is it an asset class you’ll purchase and never use?

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What is the zoning for nightly rentals in Whistler?

Home » Nightly Rental Real Estate

In simplified terms for Whistler real estate, there is Residential Zoning and Tourist Accommodation Zoning, and a combination of both. Meaning that some residential properties that you can use as a residence can also have a rental covenant which you can activate or not. Properties with only Residential Zoning may not be marketed as available to tourists, for any length of time.

Under the Tourist Accommodation Zoning, there is a Phase 1 Rental Covenant or a Phase 2 Rental Covenant. To obtain a business license and market a property as Tourist Accommodation, the property’s zoning must list tourist accommodation or temporary accommodation as a permitted use. 

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